About The Author

David Vanderburg has been writing for over forty years and has been published for over thirty-five. He has poetry posted in the White House, at NASA, at the governor’s mansion in Oklahoma City, as well as a vertical file in the Oklahoma State Library.

David has received four presidential citations. The National Library of Poetry/International Library of Poetry has published his work many times. He is The American Author of Poetry. Writing poems comes natural to him.

David has been blessed to have the talent and ability to share his work. He writes a lot of patriotic poetry for country, love of live, and the safety of others.

David has designed a flag of for the victims of the Alfred P. Murray building that hands in the archive of the same name. He writes poetry to honor those who would otherwise be forgotten. David believes he will be not be materially rich but is one of the richest people in the world because of his talent. He offers his humblest thanks for the honor you, the reader , as bestowed upon him.